Langosteira gallery

Execution of 2,000 ml of reinforced concrete gallery parallel to the main dock of the Outer Port of A Coruña, in order to protect the oil transport pipelines. Includes: Concrete footings, pillars of more than 10 meters in height and closing of the gallery structure with self-supporting capacity (upper floor with placement on a sliding carriage).


Building Construction

Our staff has adequate technical and health and safety training as well as great experience in fabrication of concrete structures with various types of materials to carry out projects of construction for different purposes

Tunnels Execution

Tunnel coverings, galleries, domes, sidewalks, guide wall. Our staff has adequate technical and health and safety training as well as great experience caring out jobs of underground construction projects.

Water treatment

Works of form work and pouring of concrete in different construction typologies of EDAR. Horizontal and vertical structures. Down spouts. Form works curved.

Bridge construction

Those jobs are mainly for foundations, beginnings, concrete pillars (hollow or solid), platforms built in-situ or platforms built with beams and slabs prefabricated.


Implementation of concrete jobs for big ports. Our staff has adequate technical and health and safety training as well as great experience caring out jobs of ports construction projects.


Our staff has adequate technical and health and safety training as well as great experience in work of urbanization of environments.

Wind power

 Execution of construction tasks of different categories within the wind sector.

Work method



First contact with the project.


 Study of costs, personnel and project variables.


Calculation of total costs to carry it out.


Project development process.

The best decision for your project

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